5 Essential and Cost-Effective Online Marketing Tools for Ecommerce Success


When it comes to running an e-commerce store, everyone desires increased visitors, subscribers, and customers. However, with a limited budget, it becomes crucial to invest wisely in online marketing tools. In this article, we’ve curated a list of the best and most affordable tools that will help you grow your e-commerce store effectively. Let’s dive in!

Google Analytics
Google Analytics stands as the go-to web analytics tool, known for its remarkable power and convenience. By leveraging Google Analytics, you gain access to detailed reports encompassing crucial metrics such as visitor count, leads, and conversions. Furthermore, it offers invaluable insights into visitor behaviour, including pages per session, time on site, bounce rate, and more.

You can even explore demographic data to better understand your audience. The icing on the cake? Google Analytics integrates seamlessly with major e-commerce platforms like Shopify and, best of all, it’s free!

Keywords Everywhere
Unlocking the potential of keywords is essential for a successful online presence. Keywords Everywhere, a freemium Chrome extension, simplifies this process by extracting relevant keywords from major search engines like Google, Amazon, and eBay. It provides invaluable data such as monthly search volume, CPC, competition, and historical search volumes using Google Trends.

With a minimal charge of $10 for 100,000 credits (one credit equals one result), Keywords Everywhere proves to be an effective and affordable keyword research tool.

For integrated marketing solutions, Mailchimp is an all-in-one platform that excels in email marketing. Its robust features include a user-friendly drag-and-drop email builder with pre-made templates, a marketing CRM, a form and landing page builder, automated email sequences, and even a website builder.

Mailchimp’s free plan accommodates up to 2,000 contacts, providing basic features like CRM, web forms, and landing pages. It’s the perfect choice for small businesses across industries.

Designing captivating graphics is essential for a visually appealing e-commerce store. Canva comes to the rescue, empowering even non-designers with its intuitive interface and an extensive collection of over 250,000 free templates, 100+ design types, and a vast library of free photos.

Whether it’s social media graphics, ad campaigns, or product page visuals, Canva offers unlimited graphic creation for free, catering to the needs of most e-commerce entrepreneurs.

To streamline your social media marketing efforts, Buffer is an excellent tool for scheduling and managing your social media posts. With Buffer, you can easily plan and schedule posts across multiple platforms, collaborate with team members, and track the performance of your social media campaigns.

Its user-friendly interface and affordable pricing plans make it a top choice for e-commerce businesses looking to establish a strong social media presence.

Growing your e-commerce store doesn’t have to break the bank. By utilizing these essential and affordable online marketing tools such as Google Analytics, Keywords Everywhere, Mailchimp, Canva, and Buffer, you can elevate your online presence, engage your audience, and drive conversions. Make the most of these tools and watch your e-commerce store thrive!

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