Transforming Success: Sportswear Retailer’s Sales increased by 70%



A dynamic e-commerce retailer in the sportswear industry aimed to amplify its online presence and bolster sales within a competitive market. The brand’s extensive product range and commitment to excellence paved the way for harnessing advanced Google Ads strategies to capture high-quality leads, boost conversions, and drive substantial growth.


The primary aim was to achieve a significant 60% increase in online sales within a challenging six-month window, all while maintaining a strong return on ad spend (ROAS). The path to success required the implementation of advanced Google Ads tactics tailored to the brand’s unique goals and target audience.


Our strategy was a symphony of cutting-edge tactics designed with precision to align with the brand’s vision and resonate with its discerning audience.

  1. In-Depth Audience Insights: Rigorous market research yielded profound insights into audience behaviours, enabling me to craft highly targeted personas. Through Google Analytics, I extracted invaluable demographic, behavioural, and affinity segments.
  2. Advanced Shopping Campaigns: Embracing Google’s machine learning capabilities, I launched segmented Performance Max campaigns, optimising for conversions across Google’s multifaceted networks: Search, Display, YouTube, and Gmail.
  3. Dynamic Product Remarketing: I elevated dynamic remarketing to an art form, not just showcasing viewed products but also recommending related items based on user preferences. A custom feed setup ensured real-time updates of product availability and pricing.
  4. Video Engagement Focus: YouTube TrueView for Action campaigns took center stage, featuring captivating video content spotlighting the brand’s unique features. These videos seamlessly integrated actionable CTAs to directly drive purchases.
  5. Personalised Ad Customisation: Ad customisers became our secret weapon, dynamically injecting precise product details into ad headlines, crafting a tailored message for each user’s query.
  6. Hyper-Targeted Geo-Location: A sophisticated geo-targeting approach was executed, directing ad focus towards regions ripe for sportswear demand, optimising budget allocation.
  7. Strategic Testing Matrix: A meticulous A/B testing matrix covered various ad elements, from variations to landing pages and CTAs. Insights guided iterative optimisations.


The results realised within the demanding six-month span were transformative and surpassed expectations:

  • Impressive Sales Surge: The brand achieved an exceptional 72% increase in online sales, outstripping the initial 60% target with a considerable margin.
  • ROAS Excellence: Despite increased ad expenditure, the return on ad spend remained robust, consistently averaging an impressive ROAS of 6.8.
  • Video Triumph: YouTube TrueView campaigns achieved remarkable engagement, boasting a 45% surge in video view rates and a 20% increase in conversion rates.
  • Hyper-Relevance Success: Ad customisers played a pivotal role, resulting in a 30% increase in click-through rates, highlighting the efficacy of personalised messaging.
  • Geo-Location Impact: Geo-targeting optimisation resulted in a 25% reduction in ad spend wastage, directing resources where they were most effective.
  • Precision Targeting Impact: In-depth audience insights drove a 15% boost in conversion rates, showcasing the power of tailored targeting.

Interested in unleashing the potential of advanced Google Ads strategies for your brand? Reach out today to embark on a journey of data-driven growth and exceptional ROI.

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